महाराष्ट्रातील दुष्काळ -२०9


८.  American Famine Mission to India :  India's hunger: Report, New York, १९४६.३६१.५५(५४)/A.F.M./७८४६४९.  Bombay, Pradesh Congress Committee : Management of dgought relief operations; ed. by R. K. Chawdhary. Bombay, B.P.C.C., १९७५३६१.५५(५४३१)/B.P.C.C./६७७/IC

१०.  Nash, Vaughan: Great Famine and Its Causes. London, Longmans, Green १९००३६१.५५/Nas/९५८२२

११.  Santhanan, K.:  The cry of distress: a first-band description of the Indian Famine of १९४३, New Delhi, The Hindustan Times, १९४३.३६१.५५(५४)/San/K२४४७४/८६२०/E

१२.  Shan, H.A. :  Indian famines means no protect men and animals and pashu vaidals shastra, २nd ed.Ahmedabad, The Author, १९१५.३६१.५५/Sha/१४३६७१

१३.  Srivastava, U.:  Management of Droughtprone Area Programme Analyses of case studies from Jhabhu District (IIM Centre for Management in Agrl. Monograph No. ७१).  New Delhi, Abhinav Publ., १९७८३६१.५५(५४) Sri/१४३१९/ISAE, K२०६१०

१४.  Bombay Revenue Department, Report on the famine in the Bombay Presidency, १९०५-०६, Bombay, १९०७.३६१.५५(५४)/Bom/९९२१२

१५.  India, Revenue Department.  Report on the famine in th Bombay Presidency., १९०५-०६. Bombay, १९०७.३६, १.०५ (५४)/Bom/९९२१२

१६.  Maharashtra., Directorate of Publicity, Scarcity relief in Maharashtra. Bombay, १९७३.३६१.५५(५४३१२)/Mah D.P./२७१८८७

१७.  Mathur, K. & Bhattacharya, M.: Administrative Responce to Emergency: a study of scarcity administration in Maharashtra, Delhi, Concept Publ. Co.,१९७५.३६१.५५(५४३१)/Mat/Bha/K४८८०९; २९१९२७

१८.  Subramaniam, V.:  Parched Earth :  the Maharashtra Drought १९७०-७३, Bombay Orient Longman, १९७५.३६१.५५(५४३१)/Sub/१२०८९/USAE; ४७९/IC


१९.  Sholapur Famine Relief Fund Committee., Correspondence between Mr Tupper the president and Mr Narottam Morarjee Goculdas, the vice-president of the Committee., n.d.३६१.५५/S.F.R.C./१५२०९९


२०.  Maharashtra, Yeotmal District, the booklet for the Chief Minister's visit on २nd Feb., १९७३, regarding the District Plan of Scarcity Relief Programme, १९७२-७३. n.d. ३६१.५५ (५४३१२)/Mah/Yeo/K३६१९४